Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 30 and the real countdown begins!

We made it through the week. Wow, it was a challenge. We decided to keep our Board of Health Inspection date for May 2nd and give it all we had to get the punch list done. With the tremendous help of family, we were able to meet the challenge. They say it takes a village to raise a child, well, it takes a family to build a business and this week was proof of that!

Tuesday morning started out with a beautiful sunrise.

If you look closely, you'll see the pink hues of the sunrise
captured in the BakeHouse building!
 The biggest push was getting the electrical completed. The biggest challenge the electricians had was lifting the 250+ lb Phase Converter up into our Attic/Crawl space. It almost didn't happen, but the guys persevered and they got it in place!

The Phase Converter doesn't look 250lbs on the hand truck

Two fellas got up in to the attic. This all had to all be done before 1pm.
By then the temps in the crawl space were over 100°
Because of this, we've had them add an attic fan that's is on a
thermostat so that the Phase Converter doesn't overheat.

We've had the electrical installed in a manner that will
allow for us to pass inspection and use the BakeHouse building
without having wallboard installed. We'll insulate and put up
wall board once we get up and running and selling bread

Tools and supplies were everywhere!
Friday night . . . Tom was able to get home a bit early and we started to work on the BakeHouse Prep Kitchen. This was the last big, complicated, possible problem project on the punch list. We moved the Washer and Dryer and Tom cut open the wall that would reveal the access to plumbing and water. We held our breath not knowing what this 40 year old home would surprise us with! But all looked good!

So far, so good!

This photo was taken about 10:30pm. Petie, Bradley and I kept Tom
company while he mulled things over. We were beat!

Saturday morning the heavy hitters arrived. Tom's mom and dad and my mom came up along side of us and helped us successfully complete the plumbing job!

Dad Hester and Tom discuss the plan 
Plumbing attachments made with success!

Getting the 3 bay sink ready to install

Las Cruces . . . we have water!

While the guys worked, the mom's worked on dinner.
I was busy painting even though there is no proof in pictures :)
My two amazing heroes
We all enjoyed a turkey dinner. This is one of those photos where
everyone looks . . . well . . . weird! But at least we're all looking at the camera!
Sunday night . . . Tom helped me by painting the Prep Kitchen ceiling. I promise, I really was painting!

The prep kitchen complete! 

As I'm getting this info out on our blog this morning the Electricians are finishing up their work and I'll be turning on the mixer for the first time since Sept. 25, 2009.

So stay tuned folks, this is going to be another fun filled week with today's electrical inspection happening, tomorrow, May 1st, will the the BakeHouse's official business start date for the State of NM & the IRS and Wednesday's Board of Health inspection taking place.

And again, thank you for all the words of encouragement. I've not responded to each and every one of you, but please know that we treasure all of you! Kath

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