Thursday, February 7, 2013

A little bit of Brooklyn in the sunny Southwest . . .

This NYC icon has been recreated into a Porcelain Mug and serves
as our Business Card holder!
"It seems that when you travel or go abroad you'll have these wonderful culinary experiences, only to come home and find yourself talking to everyone about them, knowing that you'll not get them again unless you go back to that location. You know Kath, you seem to have brought the experience to us." as quoted to me by a wonderful, sweet spirit, Abby. It's not her exact quote, but I think I've captured the heart of what she was sharing. This was while we were eating BakeHouse Bagels at a breakfast gathering at our church.

This has indeed been our project for the last several months, and why I've not had many updates on the Blog. There has been a lot of prayer, thought, Board of Health meetings, Block Captain discussions, reviews, family conversations and test baking that has gone into our desire to bring to Las Cruces, NM the wonderful, traditional Bagel from the days of the Bagel Bakers Local 338 Union of New York City, which was primarily in the borough of Brooklyn, established in the early 1900's.

As I had shared with you several blogs ago about introducing the Bagel to our lineup of bread, you'll remember the Tom, the over builder, was the instigator. Once we had our bagel production underway, Tom then set his sights on the BakeHouse Bagel Booth.

Again I have been inspired by the history of this "poor peoples" bread. I have such a passion in bringing this simple food, in its original form, to the wonderful City of the Crosses, Las Cruces.

Check out this wonderful video: 

Bringing the idea into fruition has been another amazing journey, which will have us now holding two permits. One for the BakeHouse, which is a food processing permit and the second is a Caterer permit which will allow for us to have our BakeHouse Bagel Booth at the Farmer's Market, which is literally a portable Bagel Shop! How cool is THAT!

So along with the bagels, there will of course be the . . . schmears, and a few other things that are uniquely Brooklyn!

We will offer the refreshing and traditionally
made Egg Cream Soda (which contains no eggs)

And a Bagel Booth that's tipping it's hat toward NYC
wouldn't be complete if it didn't offer the
Heavenly Coffee . . . In the traditional 10oz size cup.
No mega sizes offered here.
The 10oz to go cup is easy to carry along with a brief case,
newspaper and bagel as you hustled to get on the Subway or Path.
Remember, our goal is to capture a tiny part of the true NYC experience!

We did have to sneak one major New Jersey icon into our menu - Taylor Ham, also known as Pork Roll. We will showcase this in our Jersey Boy Bagel Sandwich. As you can see, we are having a blast putting the BakeHouse Bagel Booth together and can't wait to share it with Las Cruces.

We have found that our lives with traditional European Bread and Jewish Bagels is so interesting, like reading a really good book . It's the people that they bring into our lives. Each person, unique and sharing with us their experiences with bread. And while they are sharing with us, I find that I'm getting a small glimpse of into their heart . . . . what a privilege.

Thank you for coming along with us . . . thoughtfully ~ Kath