Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 15

This week was one of those in between weeks. A lot of things were accomplished, but not a lot of them could be photographed. The meeting on Friday morning with the Board of Health in regard to the commercial storage unit for our flour went very, very well. We've secured a unit that has a great location to receive deliveries. And just to give you an idea of how wonderful this solution is for flour storage, it's within walking distance from the location of the BakeHouse! My hope for this week is that I'll be able to secure a company who will supply and deliver our flour needs.

Before Tom started with the next project, he did knock out
the hearth bed form. To his relief, all the cut out pieces
released themselves with no problem.

Tom's main focus was to get the slab that sits in front of the oven opening poured. We used Blue stone for our oven in New Jersey. Tom really wanted to try something new and had been doing a lot of research on Concrete Counter Tops so he thought he'd give it a try on a small scale. We both felt it was a great solution.

A Melamine coated bookshelf was used to create the form.
This will assist in creating a nice smooth finish to the concrete. 
We used blue painters tape to create a barrier for the silicone.
Silicone was added around all the edges and corners to create a softer
edge for the concrete slab.
Form is now ready for cement.

Once the application of silicone was complete, the form sat overnight so that it would be completely dry when we filled the form with cement.

We woke up on Sunday morning with the sound of ice pellets hitting our roof! The cold front, that is now on it's way to the East blew through early in the morning. It was a bit chilly all day, but not so cold that we couldn't pour the cement.

Bradley's first meal of Ice Pellets!
The pour went rather quickly compared to pouring the hearth bed!

Tom taps the form along all sides and bottom to encourage
air pockets to surface.

Once half of the form was filled with cement,
re bar is added for added strength.

To finish the project, the cement was screeded and troweled just like the hearth bed was. We're both excited to see the final outcome when the form is pulled off.
With this small part of the project completed, we now enter the next phase in the building of the oven. We are really excited about getting to this point since Tom will now actually be starting to build the baking chamber of the oven!

Thanks again for checking and enjoying the journey - thoughtfully Kath 

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