We left off yesterday with Tom starting his morning working on the chimney. As the day progressed the chimney came to life and the arch was started. It was a race to sunset as Tom tried to finish the arch. But the sunset wasn't what won the race, it was fatigue! You know the feeling, you want to finish a task and no matter how determined you are, you keep dropping things, smacking your knuckles on things and the items that you're working with seem to come to life and have a mind of their own? Well, that's what happened to Tom and before he ended up wearing more mortar on his body than was slathered on the bricks, it was time to intervene and call it a very, very successful day! I felt like a mom pulling her child away from their favorite game saying "you can play again tomorrow sweetie, it's now time to come in and eat dinner and get ready for bed"!
From the back of the oven you're able to see the courses of brick. |
The 10 courses of brick that make up the chimney are complete. |
The inside of the chimney is now complete. |
The arch is laid out on the jig before it's set in place. |
The jig is set in place and the first brick in the arch is placed. |
Tom was able to set 3 bricks before it was obvious that the end of his day had arrived. |
Good night :) |
These past four days have been a blur. Tom and I keep looking at the photos so that we can see just how much has been done. Sometimes you feel like it's never going to get finished, but the photos prove otherwise.
And while the oven is coming to life, there is the whole other aspect of the BakeHouse that's going on. April is going to be absolutely the busiest month of this project. Here is just a portion of the punch list of the things that will happen while Tom works on the oven:
• April 3rd: All commercial kitchen equipment arrives. 3 bay sink, hand sink, table.
• April 5th: El Paso Electric comes to switch out our supply to our home and the electrician installs new panel.
Schedule inspection.
• Week of April 9th: Schedule plumbing work for commercial kitchen.
• April 9th: Order all the lumber for the BakeHouse building and have it delivered.
• April 10th & 11th: Tentative that Tom will start the BakeHouse building.
• April 13th: Call and schedule Board of Health Inspection (they requested a 2 week window)
• April 13th & 14th: Electrician returns to complete wiring in kitchen, BakeHouse & Tom's workshop.
Schedule inspection.
• April 16th: Proofing room condensing unit arrives.
• April 16th to the end of the month will find us getting all the last bits and pieces done. There are just too many to list here! It's our hope that all will go as planned - but getting a business ready to actually breath requires tremendous patience and tenacity at the same time. We're now having to rely on others to complete the process. This is sometimes the hardest part of the project when you've done so much of the work on your own!
So stay tuned, more to come - much thanks - Kath