Thursday, December 26, 2013

Navigating 2013 ~ a year of growth . . . .

"Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States" ~ Ronald Reagan

As I pulled up a new page to start this blog, I realized how quickly the last four months has passed and how quickly the end of the year is approaching!

If you would have told me when we fired up the oven here in New Mexico in 2012 that we would have a workforce of 5 people plus Tom, my mom and myself, I would have laughed. But here we are and each person plays a vital role in the BakeHouse.

What I feared the most in managing our growth was that I'd end up hiring someone to do what I do. But with the insight and wisdom of other artisans and entrepreneurs, I was able to navigate the road of growth without giving up my roll as baker.

So as the BakeHouse enters into it's 2nd year in Las Cruces, NM I am looking forward to what's ahead.  I'm excited about the lessons to be learned, the new breads to create and the new people I'll meet because of our shared love of bread!

Thank you for an amazing year!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year